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CrossFit SME Rowing Foundations: Sign Up Now!Knowing how to row correctly and teach rowing to your clients are invaluable skills within the CrossFit community. Learn these skills at a Rowing Foundations Certification. August 16: Memphis, TN CrossFit Chickasaw | Register August 23: Roseville, CA CrossFit Roseville | Register August 23: Shanghai, China Reebok CrossFit MeWellness | Register September 20: Schonenbuch, Switzerland CrossFit Jackhammer | Register September 21: Berlin, Germany Myleo Crossfit | Register September 27: Nottingham, United Kingdom CrossFit Nottingham | Register October 4: Columbus, Ohio Rogue Fitness | Register October 18: North Vancouver, BC Canada CrossFit North Vancouver | RegisterI had an amazing time at this past weekend's rowing certification. Angela Hart is one heck of a coach. She was extremely clear in verbalizing her instructions, making it easy to understand both how to row and teach it correctly. Her demonstrations and advisement on how to train on the erg to meet certain goals and on how to tweak the damper settings based on an individual's own preferences were superb. I definitely feel more comfortable teaching erg technique now after having participated in this cert. The on-water experience was also very enjoyable. I had my doubts as to whether or not I'd enjoy it, but I never would have expected that I'd have so much fun on the water. The way the certification is broken up into half-erg, half-water is excellent. I know everyone that partook in it had a great time. Thanks for a great cert! Kevin M. Kuryliw We just wanted to convey how much we appreciated all of Angela Hart's knowledge and expertise! We walked away with better, more efficient technique, ideas for skill work, different ways to incorporate rowing into workouts with our clients, and a better eye and cueing to help our athletes at our gym. The day flew by and was packed with great information! The instruction was professional and clear—just an overall awesome experience! So glad we attended! Thanks so much! I attended the CrossFit Rowing Certification last weekend in Indianapolis with Angela Hart. I just want to thank you all for these certifications. Angela was absolutely amazing and I learned a great deal. I am a rower, and I own an indoor rowing studio, so for me to feel as though this certification was worthwhile is actually saying a lot. I was disappointed that my husband did not attend. Thank you again. "Angela, you are one heck of a coach! While I've never had any ill-feelings toward the erg, I've definitely gained a new found respect for everything that goes into proper technique on it and think I've got a pretty good handle on how to handle the beast that is the erg. Likewise, I feel confident enough to teach it to others now. The on-water experience also changed my outlook on rowing as a whole. I had a blast out there, and am planning on getting back on the water in the next couple of weeks. You may have created a monster! Thank you again for coaching this certification despite its low turnout, but I think everyone that attended appreciated the extra attention they received due to the intimacy of the class size" Kevin Kuryliw "This is Lauren Ruck. I met you at the Flagstaff rowing clinic, and had dinner with you at the Ray's. I just wanted to say thanks again for coming out. You did such a wonderful job. The gym was buzzing for days about you and how great a time they had. You are a talented coach, and a great motivator. As a trainer myself I am always watching other coaches to see how they train and interact with a group. You have a wonderful way of engaging the group, keeping everyone's attention, and keeping the mood fun. I think that is the one thing that really stood out about you was the positive way you spoke to everyone. You had a way of being focused yet still light hearted. It was inspiring watching you coach, thank you." Lauren Ruck "I want to send you the HUGEST thank you for sending Angela to us for this rowing clinic. I can't express how invaluable it's been for our clients, and especially for our trainers, today. It was EXACTLY what I was looking for and has exceeded my hopes and expectations. I wish I could keep her here longer so we could keep soaking her knowledge up and keep getting coached!" Lisa Ray |