Dynamic Indoor Rower | Concept2

Dynamic Indoor Rower

Using the Online Ranking as a Training Tool

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Apr 17, 2023

woman on rowergFor those who haven’t discovered it yet, the Concept2 Online Ranking is a very large and constantly growing database of best times for twelve different distance/time pieces on the RowErg, SkiErg and BikeErg. Its thousands of entries from users around the world can be readily sorted by event, age group, gender, weight class, country, state, adaptive category and more. The online ranking can be a very useful resource and training tool, even if you never choose to post a PR and rank yourself. Continue Reading ›

Die besten RowErg Workouts

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Jan 23, 2020

Das beste Rudergerät-Training ist das, das Dir dabei hilft, deinen Zielen näher zu kommen. Es gibt kein universelles Rudertraining, das dies für alle tun kann. Wenn Dir also jemand genau das verspricht, glaube ihm nicht! Wir stellen Dir jedoch in dieser kurzen Aufstellung Trainingseinheiten vor, von denen wir der Meinung sind, dass sie für jeden etwas beinhalten können. Continue Reading ›

New World Record Categories

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Nov 18, 2016

In response to increased participation in our World Records and the expansion of our equipment offerings, Concept2 is introducing several new world record categories. Today, we are announcing world records for pieces done using Slides and a limited number of categories for pieces done using the Dynamic Indoor Rower. We will, of course, continue to maintain “static” indoor rower records. Continue Reading ›

Fishing for a High Score

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Jan 09, 2014

Some of you may remember the story we wrote in the Fall 2009 issue of the Update about our CFO (“Chief Fishing Officer”), Jon Williams. Well, he’s still the in-house Fish Game Champion…but he doesn’t come close to the fishing exploits of customer Ken Petterson.

Ken and Jon communicate regularly about their fishing, and most recently Ken sent us a really impressive collection of his fishing stats, accumulated from over 9000 games! We thought you would enjoy seeing them—and perhaps this will inspire you to try the Fish Game if you haven’t already. It only takes 4 minutes to play each game, but fair warning: it can be quite addicting! Continue Reading ›

From the Archives: A Great Workout in 30 Minutes

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Dez 31, 2013

Pete and Jon catching a quick intense workout in the C2 Workout Room before lunch.
This training advice seems especially pertinent to the holidays, when time is often at a premium. It’s also interesting to note that Larry was ahead of the times in recommending HIIT (high intensity interval training), which has been shown in a number of recent studies to be a very effective training tool. Continue Reading ›
