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Concept2, Inc

The 2020 Spring VIII Series

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Mär 27, 2020

When rowing seasons were cut short, we heard from coaches, student athletes and parents alike that continuing training as a team was of the utmost importance. Introducing the 2020 Spring VIII Series—a new virtual team challenge that allows athletes to compete as a crew of eight from the comfort of their own homes. We're hoping this challenge helps athletes to connect to their teams and coaches in an uncertain time.

While this challenge may not replace the thrill of on water racing, it does require similar teamwork to complete. So (virtually) grab teammates or club members and start a team! The series runs for five weeks starting April 6. Continue Reading ›

Getting your Erg in Shape

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Mär 18, 2020

Like many of us these days, you are probably spending a lot of time indoors, hunkering down and navigating the "new normal" in these days of Coronavirus. We've been hearing from people who are pulling out their ergs so they can stay healthy and active during this time at home. There are few easy things you can do to ensure your machines are fully functioning and ready to go. Continue Reading ›

The Fitness Competition for Every Body oder: Wackelpudding in den Beinen

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Jul 15, 2019

Es ist schon eine Weile her… am 18. November 2017 habe ich bei meinem ersten Hyrox Wettkampf mitgemacht. Damals hieß diese Challenge noch anders– egal wie, dieser Wettkampf hat es in sich.  Warum ich mich noch so gut an das Datum erinnern kann? Nun denn, ich habe das Ergebnis meines Wettkampfes ausgedruckt – es hängt heute an meiner Pinnwand im Büro.  Continue Reading ›

What is the Erg?

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Jun 06, 2018
The family of ergometers—the Model D Indoor Rower, SkiErg and BikeErg.

An “ergometer” (“erg” for short) is a device that measures work. Concept2’s Indoor Rowers, SkiErg, and BikeErg are all ergometers and this is a feature that sets them apart from many other exercise machines on the market. Continue Reading ›

BikeErg nun erhältlich

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Apr 25, 2018

Wir haben nun auch auf dem Festland Europas die ersten BikeErgs erhalten und in begrenzten Mengen verfügbar. Falls ihr interessiert daran seid, diese zu testen, so laden wir euch gerne in unseren Showroom in Samstagern ein und einmal einen BikeErg zu testen.

Falls ihr an mehr Informationen interessiert seid, so würden wir uns über eine Kontaktaufnahme via Tel: +41 44 711 10 10 oder Email: oder freuen. Continue Reading ›

