Indoor Rower | Page 5 | Concept2

Indoor Rower

Rowing Workout Tips and Tricks

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Sep 29, 2020

We’ve seen a lot of creativity this year, as regattas, fitness competitions and organized sporting events have had to adjust due to the coronavirus outbreak. There have been virtual events and competitions popping up all over the world and we’ve been amazed at the lengths people have gone to keep us connected and active during these crazy times.

The USRowing Virtual Fall is currently underway and was created to help the rowing community stay connected, compete in virtual regattas, and have the chance to win prizes. They’ve partnered with five of the nation’s largest head races, and others, to come up with 16 great events. The Head Of The Charles Regatta® has gone completely remote with an on water event, a participatory RowErg event and a live RowErg race open to all! Now’s your chance to compete in the premier US regatta. Continue Reading ›

Getting Started? Try these Workouts

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Apr 23, 2020

Are you just starting out on your Concept2 machine and not knowing where to begin? While there’s a wealth of information on getting set up, training and staying motivated available on our website, we understand that you may be excited to get just right to it. What should your first few workouts look like? Let us point you in the right direction! Continue Reading ›

12 Erg and Body Weight Workouts

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Mar 20, 2020

As much as we all love our Concept2 equipment, sometimes we want to mix in other movements. Concept2 employees wrote up a few of their favorite body weight workouts—no other equipment needed besides your favorite Concept2 machine. Some of these workouts may list a specific erg as the ideal one for that workout, but any of them—a RowErg, SkiErg or BikeErg—can be substituted or combined for any of the workouts below. Continue Reading ›

Die besten RowErg Workouts

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Jan 23, 2020

Das beste Rudergerät-Training ist das, das Dir dabei hilft, deinen Zielen näher zu kommen. Es gibt kein universelles Rudertraining, das dies für alle tun kann. Wenn Dir also jemand genau das verspricht, glaube ihm nicht! Wir stellen Dir jedoch in dieser kurzen Aufstellung Trainingseinheiten vor, von denen wir der Meinung sind, dass sie für jeden etwas beinhalten können. Continue Reading ›

