Training | Page 8 | Concept2


Pushing Through Lack of Motivation

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Mai 20, 2017

Most of us have been there: On the indoor rower (or SkiErg), wanting the workout to be done, but the elapsed time is just 22 seconds. Unless you’re doing a 30 second piece, the chances are you still have a long way to go.

Some days you can hop on and every stroke feels great, every push of the legs feels so powerful, and other days you would rather be eating a pizza while watching your new favorite show. So what to do? Continue Reading ›

Indoor Rower, SkiErg, or Both?

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Apr 12, 2017

Both the indoor rower and the SkiErg offer high quality exercise that is impact-free, user-controlled, and measurable. Both are based on exhilarating sports that involve legs, core, back and arms. Either one alone will provide a convenient, effective form of full body exercise.

What may be less obvious is that the two motions are highly complementary. Continue Reading ›

