Concept2 SkiErg Testimonial
We just received a very nice testimonial to our SkiErg from a user in Switzerland, which we just had to post: Continue Reading ›
We just received a very nice testimonial to our SkiErg from a user in Switzerland, which we just had to post: Continue Reading ›
The 8th Annual SkiErg World Sprints took place over three days last weekend, with 1632 people from over 20 different countries competing! That’s 11% more participants than last year. Wow! Continue Reading ›
Die 8ten jährlichen SkiErg World Sprints fanden über drei Tage am letzten Wochenende statt, mit 1632 Teilnehmern aus über 20 verschiedenen Ländern! Dies ist 11% mehr als im letzten Jahr. Wow! Continue Reading ›
Es gibt viele gute Gründe um an der jährlichen Holiday Challenge: Continue Reading ›
CrossFit Rowing Trainer Course - One-Day - Schweiz, Switzerland - June 18, 2016
Saturday, June 18, 2016
CrossFit 1352
Gmbh Langackerstrasse 35, 6330 Cham Continue Reading ›
Am Samstag, 18. Juni 2016, findet der CrossFit Rowing Trainer Course in Cham statt. Die Gelegenheit um sich das CrossFit Rowing Trainer Certificate zu verdienen.
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Crossfit und Concept2 bieten zusammen seit längerer Zeit ein- oder zweitägige Ruderausbildungskurse an. Endlich können wir dies nun auch in Europa anbieten....Die Kurse finden am 20.9. in Schönenbuch/Basel im Crossfit Jackhammer und am 21.9. in Berlin im Myleo statt. am 27.9. findet der erste Kurs auf der Insel, in Nottingham statt. Continue Reading ›
Sometimes it can be easier to get motivated if you have a workout partner. Most times, it’s just more fun! If you need a little spice in your routine, find a partner and try one of these workouts. Continue Reading ›
This training advice seems especially pertinent to the holidays, when time is often at a premium. It’s also interesting to note that Larry was ahead of the times in recommending HIIT (high intensity interval training), which has been shown in a number of recent studies to be a very effective training tool. Continue Reading ›